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corporate governance

Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance

HD Renewable Energy Co., Ltd. (HDRE) has established a corporate governance system that adheres to legal regulations, HDRE's Articles of Incorporation, and the contractual obligations and regulations stipulated by the Taiwan Stock Exchange or Taipei Exchange. In addition to these requirements, HDRE emphasizes the following principles:
1. Protecting shareholder rights.
2. Enhancing the functions of the Board of Directors.
3. Respecting the rights of stakeholders.
4. Improving information transparency.

Each year, HDRE conducts educational programs for directors, managers, and employees on "Procedures for Handling Material Internal Information" and "Prevention of Insider Trading Management Operations." For new directors and managers, educational sessions are provided within three months of their appointment, including the distribution of the "Guidelines on Insider Trading for Listed Companies." This guide includes the obligations for internal personnel to report, prohibitions on insider trading, and restrictions on trading company stocks during the blackout periods, i.e. thirty days before the announcement of the annual financial report and fifteen days before the announcement of each quarterly financial report.
Additionally, updates on relevant legal compliance are communicated through informational emails, and reminders will be issued before the blackout periods to prevent directors from inadvertently violating these regulations.

Corporate Governance Officer Training

As resolved by the Board of Directors on June 14, 2023, Mr. Tzu-Ching Hsieh, the manager of the Business Analysis Department, has been appointed as the Corporate Governance Officer. The primary responsibilities of the Corporate Governance Officer include providing the Board with the necessary information to execute their duties, assisting directors in complying with legal regulations, reviewing and revising the corporate governance code and related procedures, and regularly reporting on HDRE’s corporate governance practices to the Board of Directors.。

Training Dates Organizer Course Titles Training Hours Training hours for newly appointed corporate governance officers.