Star Exchange
recruitment of talent

Talent Recruitment

corporate feature

Company Features
company feature 01
Transparent and Diverse Corporate Culture
HDRE fosters a core value of respect, emphasizing open, two-way communication in a bright and welcoming office environment where interpersonal connections thrive.

company feature 02
Ensuring Good Workplace Environment
Regular tea sessions and gatherings strengthen bonds among colleagues. Our vibrant and dynamic workspace offers opportunities for both active and relaxed engagements.

company feature 03
Safe and Friendly Workplace
Our safety philosophy is to "create a secure and worry-free work environment," ensuring the well-being and care of all employees. We are committed to providing and building an excellent work environment that prioritizes the safety and health of every team member.
By strengthening hazard prevention and promoting the physical and mental well-being of our employees, we strive to create a workplace that is not only safe but also supportive and conducive to overall well-being.


application process

Application Process and Steps
  • 1Visit "104 Job Bank" to register your resume and actively apply for suitable positions.
  • 2Resume Review
  • 3Interview Invitation
  • 4Competency Assessment and Interview
  • 5Job Offer Notification
  • 6Onboarding/New Employee Orientation Training

benefits system

Benefits System
Annual salary adjustments based on company performance and individual achievements|year-end performance bonuses|profit sharing|employee stock ownership plans
Weekly massage and stress relief sessions|annual health checkups|group insurance|labor insurance|national health insurance
Employee travel|birthday gifts|meal allowances|travel and meal reimbursements|wedding and bereavement allowances
Three major festival bonuses (gifts)|festival bonuses|holiday activities|year-end gala dinners
Career learning and development|team management training| employee education subsidies
Education and Career Development
Education, training, and professional development|professional certification|transparent promotion channels
Enhanced Rest Spaces
Optimized rest spaces|enhanced rest areas with diverse resources for mental and physical balance|dedicated stress-relief and nursing areas|continuous improvement of office space layout to provide multifunctional and beneficial environments
Environmental, Safety, Health, and Quality Management
ISO 45001 certification|ISO 14001 certification|ISO 9001 certification|employee health care and management|operational environment monitoring|drinking water quality monitoring|compliance reviews|contractor management|quality management|internal and external audits of management systems
Additional Benefits
Departmental employee gatherings|free official dormitories|provision of coffee and snack foods|allocation of new pension system

join us

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interest and declaration

Rights and Declarations
  • 01Workplace Planning and Employee Health Protection
    • No discrimination in recruitment, promotion, rewards, training opportunities, work assignments, wages, benefits, disciplinary actions, dismissals, or retirement based on race, color, age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, disability, religion, political affiliation, union membership, nationality, or marital status.
    • No pregnancy tests or discrimination against pregnant employees unless required by local laws or regulations.
    • No drug testing with discriminatory intent unless required by law or to ensure workplace safety.
  • 02Prohibition of Workplace Bullying and Sexual Harassment
    • Strict prohibition of verbal abuse, sexual harassment, physical violence, psychological (mental) violence, including inappropriate or illegal behavior such as harassment, corporal punishment, psychological or physical coercion, or abuse.
  • 03Respect for Voluntary Employment, Association, and Freedom of Speech
    • Employees are free to leave their positions or terminate their employment with prior notice. No requirement for employees to deposit government-issued identification documents, passports, or work permits as a condition of employment. Employees are not required to pay any hiring fees.
    • No employment of child labor under the age of 15. Employees under 18 years old cannot work night shifts or overtime.
  • 04Compliance with Labor Standards and Related Labor Laws
    • Protect individual labor relations in accordance with the Labor Standards Act, the Labor Pension Act, and the Gender Equality in Employment Act.
    • Protect collective labor relations in accordance with the Labor Union Act, Act for Settlement of Labor-Management Disputes, and Collective Agreement Act.
    • Ensure job security and a safe working environment in compliance with the Occupational Safety and Health Act, Labor Inspection Act, and Occupational Accident Labor Protection Act.
    • Provide competitive salaries and benefits exceeding statutory requirements, and pay corresponding overtime wages according to labor laws. Monthly salary statements are provided for employee reference.
    • Employees have the right to free association, to form and join labor organizations, to seek representation, and to collective bargaining. Additionally, during recruitment, discrimination against workers based on union membership is strictly prohibited. Specifically, it is not allowed to require employees to renounce union membership or agree not to join a union as a condition of employment, nor to dismiss or discriminate against employees for being union members or for participating in union activities, whether during or outside of working hours.
  • 01Workplace Planning and Employee Health Protection
    1. 1. To ensure the safety and health capabilities of our suppliers and contractors, HDRE has established the "Supplier and Contractor Management Procedures" and the "Contracting and Outsourcing Management Procedures." During the initial phase, suppliers and contractors are evaluated and reviewed for their environmental and occupational health and safety compliance. Regular performance evaluations are conducted, with the results used as a basis for selecting suppliers and contractors to ensure their commitment to maintaining environmental and occupational health and safety standards.
    2. 2. HDRE builds a safe and healthy work environment through regular health checks for employees, on-site nursing services, and health promotion activities. We actively monitor and care for employees at higher health risks, providing health consultations. We also implement occupational safety and health protection measures, including prevention of workload-induced diseases, maternity health protection, prevention of ergonomic hazards, and measures to prevent illegal harm during the performance of duties. Regular workplace environment monitoring and drinking water quality checks are conducted to ensure compliance.
    3. 3. We have implemented ISO 45001 (Occupational Health and Safety Management System) and ISO 14001 (Environmental Management System) certifications and are gradually expanding these systems across all project sites to enhance environmental protection and occupational safety and health commitments.
    4. 4. We have established our Supply Chain Management Procedures. The supplier evaluation process includes criteria for environmental and safety and health capabilities. We continuously encourage our suppliers and contractors to align with our company's key sustainability issues.
    5. 5. Employees can directly communicate their needs or suggestions to their supervisors or HR department. We have distributed handy cards with grievance and complaint channels and set up a dedicated email address for reporting issues. Employees may also choose to submit their concerns in writing. The Company is committed to protecting those who express their opinions. Through these welfare measures and communication channels, HDRE aims to foster harmonious labor relations.和諧的勞資關係。
  • 02Performance in Environmental Safety, Health, and Quality Management
    1. 1. ISO 45001 Implementation: In 2021, our company introduced ISO 45001 (Occupational Health and Safety Management System). By 2022, we began gradually implementing occupational safety and health management across all project sites, completing full implementation by 2023.
    2. 2. The aforementioned ISO 9001 & 45001 management systems have been fully integrated into our operations, following the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle to continually improve and maintain workplace safety and operational stability.
    3. 3. In our commitment to reducing environmental impact, in 2023, we introduced the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System and aim to implement it across all project sites by 2024.
    4. 4. In terms of environmental health and safety regulatory compliance review, we regularly identify and review legal and regulatory requirements, implement occupational safety and health management plans, and assess their effectiveness. Reports on these assessments are presented at safety and health committee meetings. Monthly performance reports on contractor safety and health management are provided to department supervisors.
    5. 5. Other aspects of environmental safety and process control are executed according to existing procedural documents. Internal audits and management system verifications are conducted annually to ensure their effectiveness and compliance.