Star Exchange

Corporate Sustainability Responsibility


Sustainability Strategy

Since its founding in 2016, HDRE has been on a mission to create a better future. We remain deeply committed to addressing climate change and global warming by ensuring that our business operations do not harm the environment. By offering diverse net-zero solutions, we aim to amplify our impact on sustainability.

In recent years, alongside the global challenges of climate change, HDRE has turned its attention to biodiversity. Recognizing the inextricable link between species extinction and environmental pollution, we are actively working to prevent biodiversity loss. In response to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity, HDRE Chairman Yuan-Yi Hsieh formally signed and approved the company's "Biodiversity Policy" just before the 2024 New Year.

Guided by this policy, HDRE pledges to avoid development in areas recognized domestically or internationally for their rich biodiversity. We uphold our core values of sustainable operation and harmonious coexistence with nature, setting a goal to achieve zero net deforestation and zero net loss, aiming for a net positive impact on biodiversity by 2050.

Beyond environmental initiatives, HDRE has also adopted a "Human Rights Policy" and plans to launch a "Human Rights Due Diligence" program in 2024, further aligning with the SDGs and our commitment to sustainable development.

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Message from the Chairman
Message from the President

sustainable policy

Sustainability Approach
Green Energy Goals and Energy Innovation
Sustainability Strategy and Vision
Green Energy Education
Local Co-Prosperity
Happy Workplace
Sustainability Governance
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sustainable target


Embracing Innovation:
Commitment to providing low-carbon, clean energy.

We have established environmental sustainability policies, including the installation of smart meters to actively pursue energy-saving and carbon reduction goals.


Enhancing People-Centric Management:
Fostering a friendly workplace environment.

We have implemented comprehensive employee care and benefits, and offer regular on-the-job training to strengthen team solidarity.


Pursuit of Zero Accidents and Harm

We are dedicated to environmental protection and providing a safe workplace for employees, contractors, and visitors. We believe that all injuries and incidents are preventable and work diligently through risk assessments and effective controls to achieve this goal.


social responsibility

Social Responsibility
Affordable and Clean Energy
Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all.
Clean Water and Sanitation
Ensure the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.
Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation.
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable.
Responsible Consumption and Production
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
Environmental Safety and Health
Reduce ecological damage and implement environmental safety and health practices.
Conservation of Terrestrial Ecosystems
Protect, restore, and promote the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems.
Promoting ESG

Unwavering Commitment to Energy Education

We support Asia’s first 3D mobile solar cinema, bringing hope to remote areas and inspiring children to pursue their dreams.

Formosa 3D Mobile Cinema has toured all over Taiwan and reached over 3,000 rural communities. Director Charlie Chu has created a 3D mobile cinema truck that, over the past nine years, has visited 2,170 schools and more than 210 disadvantaged institutions, reaching over 260,000 people with its 3D films, bringing boundless joy and inspiration to both children and adults. With the support of HDRE, the new 3D mobile cinema truck now incorporates environmental sustainability concepts, featuring solar panels on the roof to generate its own electricity for film screenings, embodying the goal of promoting eco-friendly green energy.


promote plans

ESG Promotion Program
Environmental Aspects
Social Aspects
Governance Aspects
Topic Goals Plans ~2025 2026-2030 2031~
Net Zero Carbon Emissions Continuously reduce carbon emissions from operational activities Conduct carbon inventory 2021: 100% inventory of major business locations
2025: Complete inventory of all locations
Ongoing implementation Ongoing implementation
Net Zero Carbon Emissions 2025: Reduce carbon emissions of major operational locations by 30% 2030: Reduce carbon emissions of major operational locations by 80% 2050: Achieve Net zero carbon emissions
Electrification of Company Vehicles 2025: 100% of passenger vehicles electrified 2030: 100% of cargo transport vehicles electrified 2040: 100% of engineering vehicles electrified
Microalgae Carbon Sink 2023 Initiate pilot project 2026 Commercialization Ongoing implementation
Circular Economy Increase resource recycling rate, reduce waste generation, and minimize impact to communities Agricultural Waste Resource Utilization 2023: Initiate bio-carbon pilot projects 2026 Commercialize bio-carbon solutions Ongoing implementation
Waste Reduction in Engineering Activities 2022: Fully switch to recycling molds, fences, and pallets Ongoing implementation Ongoing implementation
Operational Management Informationization Digitize administrative operations Ongoing implementation Ongoing implementation
Enhanced Water Resource Recycling Adopt water-saving technologies and designs Implement water-saving designs at aquavoltaics sites, collect and reuse rainwater and module cleaning wastewater Continuously introduce new technologies for recycling aquaculture water resources
Biodiversity Ensure operational setups consider environmental ecology and reduce environmental impact Eco-Friendly Design Establish migratory bird conservation zones and reserve fishing-free periods for aquaculture Ongoing implementation Ongoing implementation
Completely ban chemical agents for module cleaning operations Ongoing implementation Ongoing implementation
Topic Goals Plans ~2025 2026-2030 2031~
Economic Growth Create maximum long-term benefits for shareholders while considering social interests Plan tourist power plants that promote community revitalization, environmental education, and economic value creation 2022 Plan tourist power plants, introduce ecological tours to promote local tourism and aquaculture output value Ongoing implementation Ongoing implementation
Continuously innovate operations and utilize new technologies to enhance operational efficiency Integrate IoT with AI, enhance operational and aquaculture efficiency 2022 Introduced aquaculture ERP and climate forecasting to integrate aquaculture production and site maintenance scheduling, improving efficiency Ongoing implementation Ongoing implementation
Employee Welfare Build a safe and healthy work environment, provide reasonable and competitive salary and benefits Ensure the safety and health of employee work environments 2021 Major operational offices obtained ISO 45001 certification 2023 All business locations obtained ISO 45001 certification Ongoing implementation Ongoing implementation
Regularly survey market salary levels and review remuneration policies 2022 Established a Remuneration Committee to oversee the reasonableness of remuneration policies Ongoing implementation Ongoing implementation
Continuous professional skills and education training to enhance workforce quality and personal growth Develop training plans for new employees 2021 Developed training plans for new employees 2022 Developed education and training as well as knowledge management procedures 2022 Built an internal knowledge-sharing database Ongoing implementation Ongoing implementation
Supply Chain Partners Promote environmental and labor safety standards through business relationships in the supply chain Develop supply chain management procedures and include environmental and safety health indicators in supplier evaluations 2021 Completed "Supplier and Contractor Management Procedures" and "Contractor and Outsourcing Safety Health Management Procedures" 2022 Evaluations completed on all suppliers for the first time Ongoing implementation Ongoing implementation
Promote Response to Key Sustainability Issues 2023 Completed identification of key sustainability issues of concern 2025 Major suppliers sign sustainability partner response declarations 2030 Include sustainability performance of major suppliers in supplier evaluation indicators Ongoing implementation
Sustainability Education Collaborate in promoting life education, convey positive values and resilience Support and participate in Formosa 3D Association’s philanthropic projects. Ongoing implementation Ongoing implementation Ongoing implementation
Promote social awareness of environmental education and energy sustainability Actively invest human resources to support solar photovoltaic 3D film environmental education projects responding to key sustainability issues Ongoing implementation Ongoing implementation Ongoing implementation
Topic Goals Plans ~2025 2026-2030 2031~
Robust Systems Continuously improve management systems to enhance operational and business performance -- 2022 Obtained ISO 9001 and ISO 45001 (renewal) 2022 Established Board of Directors’ Performance Evaluation Mechanism 2023-2024: Obtained ISO 14001 2024-2025: Obtain ISO 50001 Ongoing implementation Ongoing implementation
Promote ethical business practices and establish effective oversight mechanisms -- 2022 Establish a dedicated ethical business unit and regularly report its operations to the Board of Directors Ongoing implementation Ongoing implementation
Risk Management Comprehensive Risk Management for Enhanced Business Resilience Increase the frequency of Board meetings 2022: Hold board meetings at least quarterly Ongoing implementation Ongoing implementation
Establish a Risk Management Committee Structure and operational details under evaluation Structure and operational details under evaluation Structure and operational details under evaluation
Strengthen climate change risk management to reduce operational impact and seize opportunities Continuously explore potential opportunities in climate change transition and low-carbon economies, while developing feasible business models. 2022 Integrated climate risk indicators into the investment review process 2022 Regularly identify overall climate change risks and opportunities, and review response strategies to report to the responsible governance bodies. Ongoing implementation Ongoing implementation
Information Transparency Enhance transparency of business information while protecting trade secrets Accelerate the disclosure of financial and non-financial information, including more English-language disclosures. 2022 Held more than two investor conferences annually. 2022 Prepared English summaries of the ESG Report. 2023 Prepared financial reports and annual reports in English. 2023 Published material announcements in English. Ongoing implementation Ongoing implementation
Improve communication between independent directors and auditors Enhance communication between independent directors and CPAs 2023 Independent director discussions held quarterly 2023 Independent director discussions held quarterly 2023 Independent director discussions held quarterly
Enhance communication between independent directors and audit supervisors