Star Exchange

Stakeholder Engagement Channels

Stakeholders Issues of Concern Importance and Significance 2022 Dialogues and Highlights Communication Channels (Regular) Communication Channels (As Needed)
  • Local Communities
  • Labor Relations
  • Biodiversity
Employees' opinions are highly valued, and they are considered crucial assets at HDRE. The Company is committed to co-creating a diverse, inclusive, and happy workplace, ensuring employee well-being and safety.
  • Held 4 labor-management meetings in 2022
  • The Occupational Safety and Health Committee consists of 10 members; 5 are worker representatives, exceeding the legal requirement of one-third representation.
  • Organized ERP implementation meetings
  • No major employee complaints in 2022
  • Total hours of general employee training reached 1,641.5 hours
  • labor-management meetings (quarterly)
  • Safety and Health Committee meetings (quarterly)
  • Sustainability e-newsletter (monthly)
  • Employee ecological tours (semi-annual)
  • Care interviews
  • Product Quality and Liability
  • Innovation Management
  • Waste Management
Achieving the best construction quality and maximizing profits are ongoing goals of the Company, enhancing shareholders' and employees' confidence and cohesion, which are also key aspects of sustainable development and operation.
  • Held 2 shareholders' meetings (including 1 extraordinary general meeting) to report on operations and progress of various policies.
  • Ensuring shareholders' rights and enhancing confidence in the Company.
  • Established a sustainability section on the HDRE website.
  • Achieved operational management targets in 2022
  • Held 19 Board of Directors communication meetings
  • No negative feedback from shareholders/investors in 2022.
  • Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting (annually)
  • Annual report (annually)
  • ESG Report (annually)
  • Investor Conferences
General Customers/
Organizational Customers
  • Corporate Governance
  • Waste Management
  • Risk Management
We are committed to providing high-quality services to customers, ensuring excellent quality and customer satisfaction, and implementing customer privacy protection and information security management.
  • Held 8 investment review meetings
  • Collected customer satisfaction surveys, achieving an average of 96%
  • In 2022, the percentage of customers satisfied/very satisfied with overall satisfaction: Electricity Sales (97%), Business (73%), Assets (100%).
  • Implemented information security system access control to ensure customer information is not maliciously leaked, stolen, or recorded.
  • Developed procedures for business, asset, and power sales management (annually)
  • Customer satisfaction survey (annually)
  • Electronic customer complaint email or hotline
  • Biodiversity
  • Climate Change Response
  • Waste Management
Suppliers are important partners for HDRE in providing high-quality services and products. We work closely with suppliers to move towards a sustainable supply chain.
  • Held 26 contractor training sessions in 2022, with a total of 66 participants.
  • Annual initial assessment of suppliers and contractors; in 2022, added 48 new ones, with a total of 90 assessments completed.
  • Effectively conducted safety and health evaluations and investigations of contractors.
  • Conducted 5,568 hours of safety and health training for contractors, with approximately 930 participants.
  • Conduct supplier and contractor evaluations (annually)
  • Project meetings (monthly)
  • Regulatory audit and identification (quarterly)
  • Toolbox meetings
  • Occupational safety training
  • On-site inspections of key materials
  • Supplier and contractor management procedures
  • Biodiversity
  • Product Quality and Liability
  • Climate Change Response
We aim to convey important information about HDRE to stakeholders through media exposure, press conferences, brand events, and media luncheons, serving as key communication channels with the public.
  • Held media visits for the groundbreaking in Penghu and the launch of the photovoltaic projects.
  • Participated in the energy forum co-hosted with Business Today magazine
  • Participated in the Energy Taiwan Forum
  • Media luncheons (annually)
  • Press releases (monthly)
  • Press conferences
  • Feature interviews
  • Media group interviews
Non-Profit Organizations/
  • Waste Management
  • Greenhouse Gas Management
  • Corporate Governance
We are committed to giving back to society through our core technologies and capabilities, ensuring minimal impact on the local ecological environment, and striving towards the goal of creating a better life through green energy generation. We promote green energy and raise awareness by organizing numerous public welfare activities that spread heartfelt emotions and positive energy.
  • Conducted Environmental & Social Due Diligence (ESDD) for Energy Storage Projects
  • We commissioned environmental groups to conduct environmental and social assessments to enhance credibility.
  • We hired external ecological consultants to carry out surveys and observations
  • Ensuring that each local project hires a certain percentage of local residents, such as hiring 60% local residents for the Hualien project.
  • In 2022, consensus was reached through communication with community leaders and residents around the Xiashanziliao photovoltaic site in Qigu District, Tainan.
  • Environmental and Social Audits (annually)
  • Environmental Due Diligence (monthly)
  • Soil and Water Assessments (quarterly)
  • Local briefings
  • Philanthropic activities
  • External seminars
  • Personal visits
Government Agencies
  • Corporate Governance
  • Biodiversity
  • Employee Compensation and Benefits
We are committed to complying with the requirements of government and local laws and regulations. We proactively respond to government regulations, ensuring that all products and services comply with the regulations and are subject to oversight by relevant authorities.
  • Updated 92 occupational safety regulations, 47 of which are applicable and are regularly audited.
  • In 2022, conducted 7 sessions of board legal education and integrity management training, totaling 21 hours.
  • No major penalties in 2022
  • Review and update the latest regulatory information (monthly).
  • Regulatory Compliance Audits (annually)
  • Government Reporting Platform (annually)
  • Official correspondence
  • Participation in government information disclosure activities
Industry Unions/
  • Risk Management
  • Supplier Management
  • Biodiversity
In addition to participating in government public activities, we actively participate in activities organized by unions, including courses and on-site visits for operational safety management exchanges, promoting the maturity of industry occupational safety and health management.
  • Participated in 3 government public information courses and activities
  • Joined various associations, industry unions, or external organizations; see section 2.2.3 External Participation for details.
  • Public Training (quarterly)
  • Participation in mentoring activities (quarterly)
  • Annual General Meeting (annually)
  • Participation in government agency activities
  • External seminars
Star Exchange

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Issue Identification Methodology
Materiality Analysis
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